TTR Chemicals, Tüneller Ve Madenler, Püskürtme Beton Uygulamaları, Makro Sentetik Fiber, Konut Zeminleri,

Beton Yollar, Prekast Uygulamalar, Endüstriyel Zeminler, Mikro Sentetik Fiber, Havalimanları,

Barajlar, Köprü ve Otoyollar, Saha Betonları,

Micro Synthetic Fiber

Product Categories

Micro Synthetic Fiber

Micro synthetic fiber reinforcements are used to minimize plastic shrinkage cracks and plastic settling cracks in concrete. Monofilament fiber bundles made of pure polypropylene show homogeneous distribution in the concrete, reducing sweating and increasing the early age resistance of the concrete. Micro synthetic fiber reinforcements, which are extremely easy to use, also increase the impact resistance and surface wear resistance of the concrete throughout its service life.

Another positive effect of micro synthetic fiber reinforcements, which are 100% alkali resistant, on concrete is to increase the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete.
It is used to provide passive fire resistance in tunnel concrete production, which is one of the common usage areas of micro synthetic fiber reinforcements. Micro fiber reinforcements dispersed to every point of the concrete prevent the concrete from dispersing during a fire and ensure safety in the tunnels.

Usage areas;

  • Industrial Floor Concretes
  • Concrete Roads
  • Screed Concretes
  • Tunnel Coating Concretes
  • Shotcrete Concrete
  • Precast Concretes
  • Construction chemicals
  • Protection Concretes
  • Coastal and Harbor Structures

  • Impact resistance
  • Surface abrasion resistance
  • Passive fire resistance
  • Plastic shrinkage and plastic seating cracks
  • Freeze-thaw effects
  • sweating in concrete

Usage Dosage;
0.3 kg/m3 – 2.00 kg/m3