TTR Chemicals, Tüneller Ve Madenler, Püskürtme Beton Uygulamaları, Makro Sentetik Fiber, Konut Zeminleri,

Beton Yollar, Prekast Uygulamalar, Endüstriyel Zeminler, Mikro Sentetik Fiber, Havalimanları,

Barajlar, Köprü ve Otoyollar, Saha Betonları,

Product Categories


Air-Entraining Plaster and Mortar Additive Enhancing Workability and Adhesion

Product Description

TTlimeR® is an air-entraining additive for plaster and mortar that enhances workability and adhesion properties, used as a substitute for lime.

  • In mortars where partial or complete replacement of lime is desired,
  • In coarse and fine plaster mortars produced for plaster applications,
  • In coarse plaster mortars used for wall masonry,
  • On external surface plasters exposed to frequent freeze-thaw cycles due to temperature fluctuations.
Advantages and Features
  • Improves workability by creating micro voids within the mortar mixture,
  • Enhances adhesion to surfaces with its active ingredients,
  • Allows for partial or complete reduction of lime content in the mixture as desired,
  • Acts as a water-reducing agent, strength enhancer, and adhesion promoter,
  • Reduces the risk of plastic shrinkage cracks,
  • Provides freeze resistance,
  • Does not contain chlorides or harmful substances,
  • Does not contain solvents.
Application Details, Recommendations, and Warnings
  • Shake well before use.
  • Ensure that the aggregates and mixing water are clean.
  • TTlimeR® should be mixed with the mixing water in the recommended proportion. It should not be added directly to the dry mixture.
  • Excessive dosage can reduce strength due to varying air-entraining amounts in the cement mixture. The appropriate dosage should be determined through trials.
  • The ambient temperature during application should be at least +5°C.
Recommended Usage Dosage

TTlimeR® consumption varies depending on the amount of lime used in the mixture, aggregate properties, and the desired adhesion and workability characteristics.