TTR Chemicals, Tüneller Ve Madenler, Püskürtme Beton Uygulamaları, Makro Sentetik Fiber, Konut Zeminleri,

Beton Yollar, Prekast Uygulamalar, Endüstriyel Zeminler, Mikro Sentetik Fiber, Havalimanları,

Barajlar, Köprü ve Otoyollar, Saha Betonları,

Product Categories


Set Accelerating and Antifreeze Concrete Additive for Cold Weather

Product Description

TTSet® is a set accelerating, early strength increasing, and antifreeze concrete additive for fresh concrete or mortar that may be exposed to freezing temperatures in cold weather conditions.

  • For concrete and concrete products at risk of freezing,
  • To reduce the setting time and increase early strength gain,
  • In cases where a sudden drop in temperature is expected to accelerate early age strength.
Advantages and Features
  • Reduces the freezing point of the water in the mixture with its antifreeze properties.
  • Increases early strength.
  • Can be used in mortar applications such as plaster where there is a risk of freezing.
  • Does not contain chlorides or harmful substances.
  • Does not contain solvents.
Application Details, Recommendations, and Warnings
  • TTSet® should be thoroughly mixed before use.
  • Ensure that aggregates and mixing water are clean.
  • TTSet® should be mixed into the mixing water at a specified ratio and not added directly to the dry mix. Can be directly added to ready-mixed concrete.
  • Concrete should be protected with appropriate insulation after casting.
  • In cases where early formwork removal is required, trials should be conducted for early strength values.