TTR Chemicals, Tüneller Ve Madenler, Püskürtme Beton Uygulamaları, Makro Sentetik Fiber, Konut Zeminleri,

Beton Yollar, Prekast Uygulamalar, Endüstriyel Zeminler, Mikro Sentetik Fiber, Havalimanları,

Barajlar, Köprü ve Otoyollar, Saha Betonları,

Product Categories


High-Performance Superplasticizer Concrete Additive

Product Description

TTsupeR® is a high-performance superplasticizer/concrete chemical that enhances the flowability of concrete and reduces its water demand when added to concrete mixtures. It significantly improves the workability of concrete while ensuring higher strength and durability.

  • Commonly used in the production of high-strength concrete elements.
  • Used in ready-mix concrete production where continuous mixing and consistency are critical.
  • Applied in situations requiring the filling of complex molds and placement of concrete in confined spaces.
  • Facilitates the easy placement of concrete under its own weight.
Advantages and Features
  • Significantly increases concrete strength and durability due to low water-cement ratio.
  • Reduces labor costs and construction time by enabling faster and easier placement of concrete.
  • Provides high workability, resulting in smoother and higher quality surfaces.
Application Details, Recommendations, and Warnings
  • TTsupeR® should not be added directly to the dry mix. It should be mixed with the remaining water after 70% of the aggregate, cement, mineral additives, and mixing water have been added to the concrete components.
  • TTsupeR® is compatible with all types of cement (conforming to TS EN 197-1 standards) and mineral additives. The dosage of the chemical additive may vary depending on the type of cement, physical and/or chemical properties of concrete components, and environmental conditions. Laboratory trials are recommended to determine the optimum amount.
  • TTsupeR® can be used in combination with TTaiR®, TTSet®, TTretardeR®, TTPlast CN®, and TTbindeR® series additives. When using multiple additives in a mix, each additive should be added separately to the mix.